Zola International Hotel i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienZola International Hotel


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Qelebet Menged, Addis Ababa, ET Äthiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 91 124 3966
internet side: www.zolashotel.com
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Latitude: 9.0038634, Longitude: 38.7972683

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vajira Manathunga


    This is a best hotel that situated in the Addis.Very friendly staff.clean food,rooms,restaurant and bar. some days wifi is not working and have to start a gym. I like this hotel and will come again.

  • en

    Nigatu Aklilu Atlaw


    Perfect location and service.

  • en

    Vibhor Srivastava


    It is a nice hotel to stay, rooms are good and cleaned and food is good here but no other facilities like gym, swimming pool etc. I recommend for people's who look for budgetary hotel and airport is 1.5 km only.

  • en

    Esayas Araya


    Staying at Zola while I am in Addis for work. The room is clean and spacious. Food is great and staff Super Friendly! I love it and will come back again!

  • en

    Khadijah Aliu


    I had a great time at the Hotel. Lovely ambience and very clean. Most important, they have nice and friendly staff, from the manager down to the cleaners. I will definitely lodge here again when next I'm in Addis Ababa

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