Blue Sky hotel i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienBlue Sky hotel



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Near Ring Road Bole sub city, woreda 5, House No. 1403/1, Addis Ababa, Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 91 293 5154
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.005479, Longitude: 38.798525

kommentar 5

  • en

    chibanga katebe


    Food not all are catered for in terms of choice. Very limited. But good rooms and transport system

  • Elizabeth Tchwenko

    Elizabeth Tchwenko


    The thing that marked me the most in this hotel the hospitality of the staff and their warmth. The setting is agreeable, decent and cozy. Contrary to other transit hotels in Addis Ababa, they offer a variety of dishes for dinner and breakfast. Their shuttle though leaves some to be desired. The seats are crammed and they like to fill the bus with passengers and luggage. The rooms though on the small side are very clean and smell nice. Likewise the bathroom. However some improvement could be made on safety considerations in the bathroom by adding floor mats and non slip mats for the shower cabinet. Overall I liked the hotel

  • en

    Ifeoma Anagbogu


    Terrible experience at the hotel. Very bad customer service at front desk. I would rate this hotel half star if there was anything like this. No WiFi, the entrance into the hotel is dirty. It's basically just a place to sleep at night if you don't need internet

  • en

    Joyce Bosman


    Hotel room was offered by Ethiopian Airlines. The room was basic. Soap/shampoo bottles re-used. Far away from the center. When we asked for a tour or a taxi to the city, we were offered high tourist prices ($30 an hour for a guide that didn't even speak English). Later it turned out that on a transit visa you are not permitted to leave the hotel. Taxi driver of the hotel shuttle was friendly, but on our way back to the airport he picked us up 45 minutes late! We had to run to catch our flight!

  • Rahel Semay

    Rahel Semay


    It was my Special Day that I have organized in this Hotel. My wedding was April 8 of 2017. I do not Know even how they make it. It was very easy to say it was so much organized. It was not only us, but the people we invited also has been so Happy and Proofed the day. We also spent the Night at their corner Sweet. Waw,, they designed it to our Honey moon. Thank You Blue Sky, For your Sweet food and Hospitality, well organization of our days and the room, and unforgettable break fast. Any one who is looking for real Ethiopian Hospitality and service quality, please visit the Hotel, am sure you gonna thank me.

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