Ramada Addis Ababa i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienRamada Addis Ababa



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Block No. 14, # 3 Woreda, Africa Avenue, Bole Road, Addis Ababa 8111, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 639 2029
internet side: www.ramadaaddis.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.991897, Longitude: 38.782873

kommentar 5

  • Rajarshi Dutta

    Rajarshi Dutta


    Approach is a bit of a pain. Parking could improve. But otherwise... the place is a good bnb option for a business traveler.

  • en

    Soffonias Negash


    I was supposedly to be staying at Ramada Addis, but didn't let me spend the night there because apparently the hotel needed to see my girlfriend's ID and she didn't bring her ID with her so they said they wont let her stay with me for the night. I was very stunned of the fact that they argued seeing her ID for her stay in the hotel room that I booked with my ID and money. I told them I'm the one responsible for the room since I booked it and she didn't bring an ID with her to provide but they said she can't go to the room with me without it. I don't know what kind of policy this is but the hotel should have let me know that the guest am bringing need to have an ID with them before I booked the hotel. Had I known that before, I would have told my girlfriend to bring her ID or I wouldn't book it at all. Its very sad that they asked me to abandon my girlfriend if I wanted to use the room for the night.. So I had to leave the hotel and looked for another hotel in the middle of night since they didn't let my girlfriend stay there. They werent even willing to refund my money for the hotel they didnt let me and my girlfriend stay together. I had the most terrible night of my life. Very bad experience. I booked a hotel before through different vendors but didnt experience such an embarrassing treatment. Such a shameful experience from a hotel this big. Wouldn't recommend anyone staying in this hotel at all. Absolutley the worst night.

  • Joseph Soares

    Joseph Soares


    Very nice hotel and location, close to airport, exhibition hall, shopping center, nice restaurant and pub

  • en

    Hari Aquasol


    Neat clean rooms, friendly service and a very lively bar....a great place to stay. The approach though is congested and the hotel does not have any space around it's four walls. Lacks a spa.... decent value for money.

  • fr

    Killermann Sarl


    Bon compromis à Addis. Chambre confortable. Bon service. Personnel sympathique. Petit déjeuner répétitif sur un long séjour . Bonne situation géographique. Bon 4 etoiles.

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