Biruk Bed & Breakfast i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienBiruk Bed & Breakfast


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Bole Sub City, Kebele 03 Off Bole Road, House #471, Addis Ababa, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 123 2698
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Latitude: 8.9970743, Longitude: 38.780892

kommentar 5

  • Fady Mohamed

    Fady Mohamed


    The owners are friendly and welcoming. Breakfast really is good. You get eggs 2 pancakes 2 pieces of crunchy toast toppings butter jam or honey. Big bowl of corn flakes. Fruit and juice. The eggs and pancakes arrived after i took the photo. The single room is quite small but you get a comfy bed a closet and a small desk with power outlet. Room lighting is adequate. The shared bathroom was clean. You need to tell the maid to run the booster to get hot water before you can shower. The maids don't know any English so for any requests you need to call the owners. Its quiet nice but what you really pay for is the location. 15 minutes walk from Edna mall and heart of Addis. Other hotels in the area are at least 30$ more expensive. Ps. I added another photo with the complete breakfast.

  • en

    femke smits


    Very warm welcome, invitation for family dinner with easter. Basic but clean rooms, WiFi available, good breakfast, peaceful place in town, airport pick-up avalaible.

  • en

    Anthony Eshleman


    Very old home in Addis Ababa. The owners are very nice and accommodating. If your looking for a bed it's ok, though it's not American standard.

  • en

    margareta thomte


    Lovely stay with excellent service

  • Jessica Petersen

    Jessica Petersen


    Very comfortable. Staff is helpful and friendly. Reliable wifi.

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