Afarensis International Hotel i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienAfarensis International Hotel



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bole sub city kebele 08/09 house no 074, Addis Ababa, Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 11 662 9700
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.0170232, Longitude: 38.8014254

kommentar 5

  • Robert Lauks

    Robert Lauks


    Very big room, clean but with black mold on the walls. Poor, tasteless food. Hotel promoted by Ethiopian Airlines, but for this price we can get something better.

  • Ndzulo Tueche

    Ndzulo Tueche


    I really hated it. Despite the very big room, the cleanliness was below minimum. The bathroom is a mess as water leaks from all the taps to center of the room - disgusting! The food is in no way Ethiopian food because it made no sense, tasteless and very little variety at the buffet. If you don't eat from the buffet, that's it, you not have anything else from their kitchen. Really poor service and am very disappointed airlines accommodate their passengers there. Some of their staff is very rude to customers. Big thumbs down (👎👎👎). If you can stay away from hotel please do.

  • en

    María José Farizo


    The worst hotel I’ve ever been to. We stayed here just 1 night for a 12 hrs flight connection. To start, we couldn’t sleep during the whole night because of the noises the same staff was making!. And on top of that, our transfer to the airport was booked for 9, so we decided to wake up at 8 (enough time for shower and breakfast), but at 8 the receptionist called us to come down straight away because they had decided to depart earlier.... so no shower or anything! And when we came down the bus wasn’t even there and we waited until 9 anyway. Horrible experience.

  • Danny Scarangella

    Danny Scarangella


    I stayed at this hotel briefly during a layover in Addis. I was put up at the hotel by Ethiopian Airlines because the layover was 12 hours. This hotel is definitely three stars, but the staff were friendly and the room was quiet, clean and generally well equipped. The rooms at this hotel were nicer than the hotel Ethiopian Airlines put me up in a few weeks ago during the first part of my trip. My only slight was the restaurant. Breakfast was a bit yuck (although standard for Ethiopia). They served over cooked vegetables, hard boiled eggs, french toast, bread, coffee and powdered juice. Nonetheless, I would consider staying at this inexpensive hotel again on my own if needed.

  • Blaise Lembasi

    Blaise Lembasi


    Looking good globally but it comes to the details Afarensis is far from competing with other highly rated hotels. The bathroom of some rooms is dark and lack light. The tap is malfunctioning. The quality of the meal is very poor: you have choice between two types of local varieties and it is not served at the advertised time. The staff working at the restaurant doesn't care speaking to the customers. You have to make the first step. Even though you get minimum answer in (proper) English. Internet connexion worked 50% of the time. During my first stay there WhatsApp was blocked. To summarize, the premises looks great but the service is poor.

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