Harmony Hotel i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienHarmony Hotel



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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 618 3100
internet side: harmonyhotelethiopia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.996085, Longitude: 38.786148

kommentar 5

  • Balbina Varela

    Balbina Varela


    Good hotel. I stay there only for one night on transit. It was fit for the purpose. Friendly staff.

  • Hoosain Narker

    Hoosain Narker


    Very nice hotel with great amenities. A superb swimming pool with gym, spa and many other amenities makes this an ideal place to stay at. Friendly efficient attentive staff makes everything pleasant. A souvenir kiosk, a small convenience store is part of the facility. Rooms are spacious and the bathroom has a full range of complimentary condiments with embroidered towels, etc. Hot water was only luke, but that was a minor issue. The biggest issue was a loud, thumping noise - not sure if it was building work at the hotel or adjacent, but with that noise it took a while to fall asleep.

  • en

    Ghezaete M


    Excellent service, staff,spa and very good break fast. But some one stolen money from my room.when I spoke to the manager and Security Manager he told me he will resolve this matter but I didn’t get any solution.....and I was very disappointed.what a great place bud staff.

  • en

    Paul Gitau


    Its such an amazing hotel. Best customer service, very clean rooms, friendly employees.....Highly recommend

  • pradeep olanchery

    pradeep olanchery


    Nice place to stay. Quite a very good location at Adis..

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