Alexandria Luxury Hotel Apartments i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienAlexandria Luxury Hotel Apartments



🕗 åbningstider

Cape Verde Street, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 110 3857
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.995026, Longitude: 38.778203

kommentar 5

  • en

    Biruk Tammru


    Absolutely disrespectful manager. I went to ask if there is a unit for rent. He looked at me and immediately said I can't afford paying 90,000 birr/month (about 3300 dollars) without knowing me. I can afford that price, but it is very overpriced anyways. You can definitely find a NICER apartment in the neighborhood for much cheaper - that's besides the point. He said something to the effect of "only foreigners here" and completely dismissed me and walked away from our conversation. It doesn't matter how nice a place is if the manager will disrespect you - especially without even knowing who you are. _________________ UPDATE... The Management replied to this comment. While I do appreciate the prompt response, please don't discredit my experience by saying I didn't visit or contact you. I posted my original comment on the day I attempted to visit and was driven away from your building. I do appreciate the apology and I really would like to check out the place. But how do I know that I will not be met with the same disrespectful experience again if I accept your invitation to come and visit the place?

  • Amir Tuji

    Amir Tuji



  • et

    Kevin Hürges


  • en

    Jack Murphy


    Go Visit, it is the best apartment in town.

  • en

    Yoh Addis Ababa


    Seeing is believing

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