Family Cozy Bed and Breakfast i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienFamily Cozy Bed and Breakfast


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Wollo Sefer/ethio-china Friendship Road, Addis Ababa 1110, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 130 3837
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Latitude: 8.9881495, Longitude: 38.7717256

kommentar 4

  • en

    David Hellard


    Such a friendly vibe from the freshly roasted coffee to Michael the owner acting as tour guide extraordinaire, great place if you want more than just a room

  • Dake Weng

    Dake Weng


    Good value and great hospitality from the owner Michael. One of the rare honest places in Addis.

  • en

    Knut Sandberg


    Staff is very friendly and helpful, showers are hot and wifi was the best I've had in Ethiopia. Rooms and common areas are well kept and clean. Very good value for Addis Abeba, highly recommended. It's very cheap and easy to get to the center with the minibus-taxis leaving from the nearby roundabout. Close to the airport too.

  • Maria Jesus Caballero

    Maria Jesus Caballero


    Very good logement and very pleasant Mikel

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