Riverside Luxury Hotel Apartment Ethiopia i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienRiverside Luxury Hotel Apartment Ethiopia


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 618 1180
internet side: www.riversidethiopia.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.9862143, Longitude: 38.772778

kommentar 5

  • Messu L

    Messu L


    Both my brothers stayed in this location with their family at different times, but the experience was always very nice. Spacious rooms, nice garden, convenient location from city centre. Usually fully booked so better contact for reservation well in advance.

  • Meba Selassie Mekonnen

    Meba Selassie Mekonnen


    My family and I spent our long weekend at this hotel/apartment. The place is kept very net with all amenities provided adequately. The price is more than reasonable as the service was excellent, staff very courteous and the location being in the center of the city . I recommend anyone who travel to Addis to stay at this place if you are lucky enough to find a room/s.

  • en

    Mohammed Abdlla


    Is very quiet apartment near to the city center area with all the luxuries services

  • en

    andualem desalegn


    Exellent hottel

  • Allie Arend

    Allie Arend


    Very quiet area in the city centre. 10mins away from the airport and don't be surprised to see real monkeys jumping around every morning.

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