Home Town Addis Hotel i Kirkos

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EtiopienHome Town Addis Hotel


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Cape Verde St, Kirkos, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +254 723 996233
internet side: travel.jumia.com
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Latitude: 9.0027793, Longitude: 38.7794943

kommentar 5

  • T E

    T E


    Love this hotel! It's beautiful hotel and the staff is very friendly. The rooms are spacious and the staff goes out of their way to meet the customers needs. The lounge area decor and atmosphere is nice. Definitely will be coming back to visit and stay.

  • tom malschaert

    tom malschaert


    The room is a nice place to be. Great, complete breakfast.

  • Assaf Levy

    Assaf Levy


    By far the best hotel we stayed at in Addis Ababa We were traveling as backpackers and the prices for a couple at guest houses or hostels are quite high. (for a queen size room minimum 30$) for 20$ more we got great room, western looking. with a great pressure hot water shower, Wifi in the room, Fridge and breakfast included.. and above all that free/complimentary airport pickup and ride back. thought the staff's english is not the best, the service was very good and the atmosphere was pleasant. very recommended

  • en

    Michael Daniel


    If you stay in Addis Ababa Home Town Addis Hotel is the best place. It is central place to visit the town every direction .The Hotel is clean with GOOD service and quiet you fill like home . I want to say THANK YOU for every staff in the Hotel .I hope in my next trip I will stay at Home Town Addis Hotel. Michael Daniel from Norway

  • Jake Besaw

    Jake Besaw


    This is a great hotel. Clean and well priced. Staff are also really friendly :)

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