Water Front Hotel i ባሕር ዳር

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EtiopienWater Front Hotel


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Bahirdar, kebele 07, belay zeleke road, ባሕር ዳር, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 856 0295
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Latitude: 11.587283, Longitude: 37.3911741

kommentar 5

  • Arkadiusz Sokołowski

    Arkadiusz Sokołowski


    Portierzy nieprzytomni. Próbowałem dowiedziec się o której serwują śniadanie. Otrzymałem odpowiedź w czasie egipskim. A to sześć godzin różnicy😆😆😆. A tak poza tym fajny,czysty hotel z niezłą restauracja,śniadaniem w formie bufetu i stosunkowo blisko centrum i przystani Warto skorzystać.

  • Neo Brown

    Neo Brown


    A lovely hotel with clean rooms and helpful staff.

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith


    Overall excellent value. The washrooms are amazing, the bed very comfortable and the staff is very friendly and attentive. The location is ideal, close enough to water, and there are bars and restaurants within walking distance. There is also a market close by where you can bargain for deals on clothes and gifts. We were only tourists in the hotel as it is fairly new. I would highly recommend booking this hotel before it gets popular and the prices go up.

  • Nicholas Karavatos

    Nicholas Karavatos


    The location on the map is either not correct or there are two locations. The “Water Front Hotel” I am reviewing is on Arba Meter Road, just west of University Road and just east of Addis Amba Hotel. Not reviewing the rooms, etc., but I am reviewing the restaurant - for what it is. Following the long Orthodox Lent, the meat on the menu is finally being served. Until now I would say the salads are very good, the bread isn’t bad, and the juices (purée more like) are tasty. Yesterday I was able to expand into those animal proteins and very much enjoyed my “lamb stew” which was spiced just right. The stew was brought to table in a little pot and spooned onto my plate of ingiera. I took a pleasantly long walk afterwards feeling very satisfied. One of my colleagues who had tired of the Addis Amba breakfast buffet went there several times for their continental breakfast and returned satisfied to drink coffee with us. We usually opt-out of meals at our hotel to dine with ease at Waterfront, usually on their patio. Sure, we’re also trying local eateries, but if you’re an international traveler, you’ll feel fine to dine here.

  • Hui Li

    Hui Li


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