Vistana Hotel i Bahir Dar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienVistana Hotel


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Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 11.5924954, Longitude: 37.3866164

kommentar 5

  • Ahmed Mohammed

    Ahmed Mohammed


    I stayed for 3 days in July 2018 I was disappointed as l was charged one extra day because of the reception staff didn't record my payment!!! Even if I complained to the manager they just ignore me I will never ever stay there again!!!

  • Dere Feya

    Dere Feya


    Great service and clean rooms. Thanks

  • Solomon Getachew

    Solomon Getachew


    The hotel is good but some employees are rude in some occasions, I do NOT recommend.

  • ermias tilahun

    ermias tilahun


    Clean Hotel and good service.

  • Rob S

    Rob S


    If you don't mind staying a couple blocks off the main drag, this place offers great comfort and value in Bahir Dar. We stayed in February 2018, the day the Australian Embassy in Addis had refreshed their travel warning to the area. The hotel staff here were brilliant. They had our safety and comfort foremost at all times. One of the front desk women actually took our laundry home to wash, as the laundry services in the hotel weren't available at the time! All in all, lovely staff and people at the hotel, and recommend as a value for money hotel in Bahir Dar.

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