Summerland Hotel i Bahir Dar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienSummerland Hotel


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A3, Bahir Dar, West Gojam, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 94 662 0738
internet side:
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Latitude: 11.594719, Longitude: 37.3918192

kommentar 5

  • Marie Herman

    Marie Herman


    Friendly staff, decent breakfast, cleaning ladies even arranged the clothes, excellent price-quality. View over the lake from the room. More than expected for a two star hotel.

  • Sharmila Saxena

    Sharmila Saxena


    Good and comfortable hotel. Neat and clean with excellent service. Food also was good. Convenient location as it is located in front of Tana lake. Thank you staff of Summerland for your excellent service.

  • John Graham

    John Graham


    Ok and convenient hotel on main road near lake. Basic rooms and food.

  • wendy hinojosa

    wendy hinojosa


    I love the Summerland Hotel and their staff. They always welcome me and treat me like family. The facilities are clean and the got showers are always working.

  • Aschalew Bekele

    Aschalew Bekele


    Its so nice to be here at night. Very nice people with a great sense of houmer handling your cases will give you solutions. I am happy for the services provided by the hotel and workers.

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