Palm Palace Hotel Bahirdar Ethiopia i Bahir Dar

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EtiopienPalm Palace Hotel Bahirdar Ethiopia


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Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 58 220 1923
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Latitude: 11.5939958, Longitude: 37.3885104

kommentar 5

  • Mike S

    Mike S


    I loved the hotel. Their service is amazing.

  • Amlakie Gebeyehu

    Amlakie Gebeyehu


    Being a frequent traveler , I've had opportunities to stay at various hotels and other facilities. Palm Palace hotel at Bahirdar, Ethiopia is by far among the very satisfying hotels I have stayed at in several aspects . The hotel is located at the heart of the city a walking distance away from most places. The traditional and western oriented dishes the hotel serves is an added incentive for me to choose Palm Palace hotel everytime I stay in Bahirdar. Rooms are very neat , with great city and lake views, and well maintained with staff and room service available 24 hours. The hotel also offers spacious fully furnished meeting halls and a beautiful terrace with an excellent view of the city that can be utilized for various events. I highly recommend Palm Palace hotel at Bahirdar, Ethiopia.

  • Dan Dig

    Dan Dig


    Best place to stay if you’re in Bahir Dar for business or leisure. Courteous service by the staff & the owner, delicious food and breathtaking view of lake Tana on the rooftop terrace and rooms. The best hotel stay I’ve had in years.

  • alemseged digafie

    alemseged digafie


    The Palm Palace Hotel located at the center of the city with easy accessible area for shopping ,cafes,Restaurants and for Lake... The Hotel has 56 beautifully furnished rooms 2 restaurants 3 conference rooms specious lobby and roof top terrace restaurant with lake Tana view and surrounding area if you have a chance to stay in Bahirdar this must be the no.1 location for visitors that i will recommend also some rooms balcony has lake Tana view for your surprise.. ..

  • Tewodros Assefa

    Tewodros Assefa


    A friend of us recommended me and my wife this hotel and it was amazing. The rooms are modern and neat, so too is their food. The staffs are incredible too. Totally worth a stay.

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