The HQ Irish Pub i Addis Abeba

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EtiopienThe HQ Irish Pub



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Addis Abeba, Äthiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 96 490 9090
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Latitude: 8.9816158, Longitude: 38.7632545

kommentar 5

  • en

    Albab Tesfaye


    Worst bar experience I have ever had. Only 2 types of beer. Heineken and Walia (local). And of course no guiness! Had to ask 3 different waiters to finally get the menu. After picking out 3 items on the menu and ordering. We were told by a different waiter that only 1 food item on the entire menu is available (tibs: local food). So we ended up not eating dinner... we ordered 2 more Heinekens... after about 20 minutes we were told they only have room temperature beers... So we wanted to pay - of course we had to go to the cash register - even there they couldn't help us because they couldn't find our waiter... honestly we were there for over 10 minutes after which we told them we would walk out. After about 5 minutes they brought us a bill of 1, 270 birr - it was not our bill... So they asked what we ordered - they brought another bill of 270 birr - the correct bill. We paid. I had asked to see the manager but that was not possible. To conclude - terrible experience! Would not advise going there. And nothing Irish about this bar - not pub - except the sign which reads Irish pub and a few decorative touches.

  • en

    Daniel Dennis


    1% Irish (decoration), 99% Ethiopian. FOOD: half of the dishes on the menu were not available (including ALL Irish dishes) Their 'barbecue' sauce clearly was a VERY spicy local sauce in which they may have added some ketchup or sugar. MUSIC: for the first 20mn, very dull atmosphere with complete silence apart from some oh so sweet hacking noises coming out from the open kitchen. Then, for an enhanced customer experience, they decided to put some VERY loud Ethiopian music, which made us regret the previous depressing atmosphere. SERVICE: Ethiopian, in all its glory (no need to describe it further I guess) PRICE: given all of the above, HIGHLY overpriced.

  • Vimal Arya

    Vimal Arya


    Great ambience good music , drinks and lovely lively place. Exotic outdoors with Shisha

  • Tryphosa Ramano

    Tryphosa Ramano


    Great place for hangout in Addis. Good service, good music, good company

  • Koos Kriel

    Koos Kriel


    Great Irish pub ambiance, fantastic service by Baanch and Mahi ! Spicey Irish Curry was the best!! Highly recommended!!

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