Dreamliner Hotel i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienDreamliner Hotel


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 467 4000
internet side: www.dreamlinerhotel.com
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Latitude: 8.9951333, Longitude: 38.7670022

kommentar 5

  • Marty



    For Ethiopia it's not bad at all, it's faulty for sure but it's charming and there aren't alot of good hotels in AA. The internet is pretty reliable, and the Indian restaurant in the hotel is great although a little pricey. The area feels a little rough at night but it's not dangerous at all, and when daytime arrives there are plenty of places to get a smoothie, bakery, fruits etc. and it's a 15 min walk to city center or go faster by take a cab, yes the old used Trabants from USSR, but negotiate first!) It's 5 min from airport

  • en

    Devendra sharma


    Good hotel in Ethiopia for stay and indian food




    Amazing hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Meskel Flower road. The scenery is great.

  • en

    E C


    I had one night experience in this hotel I changed my place next morning because it is not good hotel at all.It can NOT be four star hotel too ,is not clean lobby the paint is too old ,the lobby is not inviting ,the stars are wide nice but not clean the carpet is not like four star hotel at all plus poor management the owner or the manager must check and see other hotels in your area

  • en

    Ali Ndiwalana


    This is an average Hotel with no air conditioning or hot water. But they provide a courtesy airport shuttle, have very courteous staff, free WiFi and fine restaurants. Avoid rooms 13 and 14 on all floors if you can because they are tiny, filled up by the bed and have a lousy view. You can ask to be moved to another room and the price difference may not be that much.

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