Mama's Kitchen i Adís Abeba

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EtiopienMama's Kitchen


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Adís Abeba, Etiopía
kontakter telefon: +251 91 122 2097
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Latitude: 8.9917626, Longitude: 38.7733755

kommentar 5

  • en

    eyob habtemariam


  • Maina Gichangi

    Maina Gichangi


    Serene elegant setting. Great for an evening drink/meal with friends

  • Antonietta Cordeschi

    Antonietta Cordeschi


    Great Jam Session on Mondays and Thursdays!! Great atmosphere, elegant, better to book a table...Drinks a reasonably priced!! Totally recommend it!!! Ciao

  • en

    alaa udeen nasab


  • Maricha MartinezSosa

    Maricha MartinezSosa


    The place looks good and they managed to create a very good bar ambient with trendy music and plenty of neon lights BUT... We called in advance and made a reservation for a birthday party, when we arrived they informed us that it was not in their records. Then we were sat in a table and almost forced to buy a bottle of liquor, when we refused they told us that to sit on a table you had to pay a 'fee', they after moved us to a high table with only 3 chairs for a group of 6 (seems like chairs are a luxury item here and took more than one hour and almost a fight to get chair #5, one of us had to eat standing all the time). We ordered a (flavourless) margarita pizza, a salad (so spicy that could not be finished) and two other dishes that lasted an eternity to arrive. Some of the drinks were served in glasses that still had the brand sticker on it (probably went from the box to our table without being washed before). The only good thing was that one of us knew someone in the management and when we were leaving they talked about the incident which led us to be 'compensated' with a free bottle of Proseco and the right to sit on a table... Long story short: a 'cool' place that invested a lot of money in the interior design and offers one of the worst services I have so far had in Addis, only great for groups that want some place 'in' to drink non complicated things like beer.

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