Beer Garden Inn i Addis Abeba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienBeer Garden Inn


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Addis Abeba, Äthiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 11 618 2595
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Latitude: 8.9951291, Longitude: 38.7862992

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chucri Sayegh


    A German specialty restaurant and brewery with very good beer, served in various types and sizes next to which you can find affordable, simple, yet good German food in Addis.

  • Solomon Assefa

    Solomon Assefa


    I used to come to this location once in a while. I have always appreciated the fact that the owner could maintain a market for local craft beer. It was the first well executed one in the city. To add to this, the brewmasters dedication to keep on making the red ale despite poor demand was also heartfelt. It only catered to a small portion of the market but was still very good (when fresh). But what prompted this review is their most recent utter disrespect for their customers and started serving Lager mixes with their brews. And this is true for both types of beers they serve. Don’t insult your customers.. the two stars are for what used to be.. sigh!

  • Tigiste Ayele

    Tigiste Ayele


    Tasty artisanal beer, decent food and a quick service even at rush hour.

  • John Pirie

    John Pirie


    Busy Beer Haus in Addis and for good reason. Wait Staff flowing through the tables with pints and towers of draft beer. Surprisingly good roast chicken.

  • Wolfgang Schweighofer

    Wolfgang Schweighofer


    Toller Biergarten im dem naturtrübes Bier aus der eigenen Brauerei serviert wird und dies auch nach dem deutschen Reinheitsgebot. Das Essen hatte ich besser in Erinnerung.

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