La Source (1) i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienLa Source (1)


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 8.9912185, Longitude: 38.7665717

kommentar 5

  • en

    Christoph Wiesner


    clean, noce and cheap

  • en

    Hans Meier


    The place is nice! But somehow very complicated communication. But don’t get offended by this, people are direct but nice. They offer airport shuttle which saves you some 250ETB. Haven’t seen a better place in Addis for this money. Hot water and „clean“ rooms.

  • William Rogers

    William Rogers


    Pros - 'Free continental' breakfast, airport/bus Meskel Sq. Shuttle, clean, wifi in most of the building, ask for a room facing the sun, like #13. #11 is a bit dark with a small window. We met other travellers at breakfast and in the cozy lobby. Cons- wifi can be slow, frequent power outages (no generator), they would like to make an extra dollar for people sleeping on the floor.

  • Leo V

    Leo V


    Best customer service and clean rooms with hot shower and breakfast. Free airport pick and drop off.

  • Dan Coplan

    Dan Coplan


    Very good location close to airport but also main drag close to Bole Rd. Plenty of restaurants, cafes, etc. Easy to get taxis and mini buses to anywhere you want to go. Great value with free airport transfers, breakfast, and wifi. More importantly, staff is very friendly and very accommodating.

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