Ras Hotel i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienRas Hotel


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Gambia Street, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 551 7060
internet side: rashotel.com-addisababa.com
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Latitude: 9.01488, Longitude: 38.7523621

kommentar 5

  • Radha Krishna Gollapudi

    Radha Krishna Gollapudi


    It is one of the finest hotel that I have stayed in Ethiopia. Service is some what disappointed me if they improve customer service it will be the best in Addis Ababa

  • Afoori D.Carter

    Afoori D.Carter


    Weak wifi ..

  • Fikir A

    Fikir A


    One of the oldest hotel in Addis. The meal was fine. The place only needs some upgrading.

  • Javier López Fernández

    Javier López Fernández


    Receptionist are rude and far from being polite do not provided info when requested. Cheaper rooms are not that good value for money. At least the restaurant is decent (that's why not only one star). Always ask for the receipt when paying, otherwise you can ask for the money back.




    I have been staying in the Hotel when ever I visit Addis Ababa. I like the location due to its proximity to almost everything. The rooms are comfortable and they have great service. The house keeping staff are fantastic/trusting. They clean your room, takes your dirty cloths to laundry and brings them back washed and folded (at a small fee). On one occasion, the housekeeping staff (forgot her name) actually returned cashes (dollars) found in one of my clothes being laundered. I was very impressed and thankful and made her manager aware . The 24 hour front desk service and parking space is a bonus. They also have full service restaurant with exceptionally good food-The break fast buffet is my favorite. Only drawback is the hotel deserve major renovations

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