Eliana Hotel i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienEliana Hotel


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 126 2600
internet side: elianahotel.com-addisababa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 9.0304239, Longitude: 38.7511453

kommentar 5

  • James Dsouza

    James Dsouza


    Really amazing place to stay which is cost friendly and really good service along with a club on 12 th floor and all things close by for daily living.

  • Aishat Onusi

    Aishat Onusi


    Great hospitality, very courteous and helpful staff. I look forward to staying here again on my next visit.

  • Wale Aminu

    Wale Aminu


    The attitude of staff generally is impressive. I have not met the bad one among them if there is any. Nevertheless, feeding has been a big problem. When a number of people come from the same region for a programme, it's important to put their region into consideration when providing food for them. It's been tough for Nigerians here

  • en

    Ein Quiry


    My first impression of the hotel is quick service related to check in and services including restaurant. Will update later...

  • عبدالرحمن المولد

    عبدالرحمن المولد


    فندق ممتاز ومميز It is good hotel very good in service and the stuff all good I am looking forward to be there after 3 or 4 months Thank you so much Abdul Rahman almowalad

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