Louvre Grand Hotel i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienLouvre Grand Hotel


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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 618 7755
internet side: www.louvregrandhotel.com
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Latitude: 9.0249363, Longitude: 38.7870877

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Pearson


    Great French food, nice outdoor verandas

  • en

    Renatka DB


    Review for Louvre Restaurant Only: A favorite in this town with such few choices! The ambience of this place is cozy and warm. Every Friday or Saturday it fills up with familiar friends gathering over steak and wine and speaking their respective languages. The menu is meat heavy but has a wide selection of choices. The food is generally very good as it is consistent. Prices are fair, though high for Addis. All the metalwork outside in made in house. The parking here is miserable, so if you get anxious about narrow three (or realistically, five) point terms, you may want to taxi! It is worth it for the chocolate tart!

  • Fatmah Lemeria

    Fatmah Lemeria


    Nice place, great people. Some improvement needed on food.

  • Ashley Paulus

    Ashley Paulus


    This is closer to 3.5- the hotel for the price was decent, especially for Addis. The room in general is lacking but the bed and pillows are plush. We ate pate, bourguignon & filet- but were disappointed at all of it, especially since it didn't reflect the joyful ambiance of the restaurant.

  • Sabeteshi Minassie

    Sabeteshi Minassie


    Great food with fair price, highly recommend venue for a small get together. It is a breeze in a city with very limited restaurant choices.

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