Zenebe Firew i አዲስ አበባ

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EtiopienZenebe Firew


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Ethio China Street, አዲስ አበባ, ET Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 90 334 3434
internet side: zenebefirewrealestate.com
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Latitude: 8.98626, Longitude: 38.7685948

kommentar 2

  • Seble Abraham

    Seble Abraham





    My wife and I are one of the first people to purchase a home in your real estate site in Zemed Village (welete). I would like to draw your attention to a couple of issues that are disturbing us. Just like most of your buyers on this site we are part of the diaspora and rent our place out but there are times when we come to Ethiopia, if our home is vacant we stay there. More than six times we have had the opportunity to stay in our home. Our house was built more than ten years ago. Here is the problem that disturbers us “WATER”!! For more than ten years there has been water problems, each time that we have stayed in our home or rented out our home this is the main complaint we and renters have to pay people to bring water or catch rain water to take care of our basic needs. We for one know that business and new housing developments in that same area have running water so, why can’t we? There has to be a solution to this issue. I know the government is the one that controls the water supplies but for more than ten years the same issue imagine in your own home if you and your family do not have water, how would you feel. furthermore, talk around the compound is someone is deliberately shutting off the main water supply to keep the rent prices down. I don’t know how true that is but it’s something that should be looked into. A simple solution to this crisis is to have water trucks come and pump water into a main compound reservoir and pump to the occupied house reservoirs twice a week if indeed ,split the cost 50/50 I am sure people will pay if the water issue is the government. The other issue is paved road or cobble stone. We know that your company makes brick and stones and the site has most of the villas occupied don’t you think it’s time to put down asphalt or cobblestone so that it will make it more comfortable living, It just seem to us that your business could do better for its residents on this site. We have seen positive growth around the same area but yours was the first and looks the same as it did when we first bought our home. I did not want to write this review but you should know that the residents living there are very upset and this is an issue that should be put forth, and addressed and customer satisfaction should be your ultimate goal. Last but not least we question your mission statement in our opinion it does not live up to its words and should be taken down. Regards dissatisfied customer. Zenebe Firew Mission Statment imagine a plot that has a beautiful mountain for a backdrop. The area is just far enough from the city center to be quite, yet a little commute connects you to everything a growing city offers. Then a reliable real estate company comes along and develop this magnificent 90,000 sq. meters plot into a comprehensive real estate development fitted with 260 villa and G+1 residential units. A gated community provides the privacy, where families would enjoy the fresh air striding along the well-lit wide roads. Kids enjoy the playgrounds and kindergarten, whereas adults appreciate the in-compound supermarket and clinic. Above all, you can own a home and enjoy all these at an affordable price. Sounds too good to be true? Come and see our Zemed Village and you will witness what we have made possible

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