Real Ethio : Real Estate agents in Addis Ababa & around Ethiopia i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienReal Ethio : Real Estate agents in Addis Ababa & around Ethiopia



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Søndagåben 24 timer 16607, Addis Ababa 1000, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 161 9180
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.998764, Longitude: 38.785166

kommentar 5

  • Sunrise Villa Guest House

    Sunrise Villa Guest House


    Great service, great people! I highly recommend their service!

  • Alemtsehay Degefu

    Alemtsehay Degefu


    The communication was poor

  • ammar al fakhuri

    ammar al fakhuri


    Profissional and friendly , and no hidden fees all is clear from the beginning ...thank you for great service.

  • en



    It took us a long time to find an honest and professional agent to find us our new house. I recommend Real Ethio for anybody moving to Ethiopia.

  • Lina Jalouqa

    Lina Jalouqa


    Real Ethio is by far the most professional real estate agency in Ethiopia. They provide top notch service, understand customer needs and deliver what they promise. I found them to be very reliable and they were able to find our family the perfect home in no time. Very highly recommended!

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