Rent In Addis Agent i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienRent In Addis Agent



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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 96 357 5700
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.0038457, Longitude: 38.7848076

kommentar 5

  • Will McPhail

    Will McPhail


    Before arriving in Addis I needed to find office space for 40+ people as well as accommodation for three expats. I began communicating with three different Addis-based real estate firms and it quickly became apparent that Daniel and his colleagues at Rent in Addis were a cut above the rest! Daniel worked hard to ensure we found what we needed and always took our needs into considerations making the necessary adjustments along the way. He and his team were professional, punctual and very easy to work with. We spent many hours together for 2-3 weeks and Rent in Addis did not give up until we were pleased. I highly recommend engaging their services in Addis.

  • Margaret Anderson

    Margaret Anderson


    Daniel did a great job finding me and my three colleagues nice furnished apartments to stay in during our assignments in Addis. He is extremely responsive to email requests and took me to see four apartments in one morning, all of which corresponded to my requirements. From there it was simple to choose the best one and he helped me to conclude leases with the landlord quickly. Daniel also knows a great deal of city history and took me and my husband on very nice day trips around Addis. He speaks great English and is easy to communicate with.

  • Patrick Fitzgerald

    Patrick Fitzgerald


    Daniel makes looking for a place to stay in Addis so easy. He is friendly, hard working and honest and will do everything he can to find the right place for you. With Daniel the stress is taken away from moving and housing is only the beginning, he can help with so much more. I recommend Daniel to all my colleagues and friends.

  • en

    Jenny Lang


    Thanks to Daniel I found a perfect place to stay in Addis: good location, good price! I already recommended him as an agent to three other people who were very happy with his services and found a place through him within a week. Daniel is a reliable person who listens to what the customer needs and makes an effort to find a place for you that fits your budget and location preferences. In short: I would love to recommend Daniel as a broker to anyone who wants to find a home in Addis that perfectly fits his or her ideas!

  • en

    Oscar Geerts


    Daniel helped us finding a house in Addis Ababa, which was a real struggle before I met hem. I had visited more than 20 houses with several brokers, before I met Daniel. He quickly picked up what we were looking for. He shows you houses that are up to a certain standard, which is not something many brokers do. I've been introduced to houses in bad conditions or located in shady back alleys by other brokers. Daniel also considers your budget very well. During our house hunt with other brokers we were shown places that were absolutely gorgeous but which were 3 times the intended budget. Daniel listens to your needs and only brings you to places that are relevant for you. I recommend Daniel of Rent In Addis Agent to anyone looking for a house in Addis Ababa.

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