Beshale Hotel i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienBeshale Hotel


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Addis Ababa, Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 11 647 8181
internet side:
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Latitude: 9.0199096, Longitude: 38.8245823

kommentar 5

  • Daniel E

    Daniel E


    Beshale hotel worries collecting money than customer services. The worest customer services experiences in my LIFE... The management's doesn't exist SO RUDE WAITRESS & RECEPTIONISTS INCLUDING the security check. Never go back again NOT FOR ME NOT...

  • Cassim Docrat

    Cassim Docrat


    terrible did not even attempt to have a shower no aircon mosquitoes in the room

  • Domingos Dias

    Domingos Dias


    Well located and cheap!

  • en

    Kirubel Girma


    the lobby is a good place for meeting up with people and talking. it's nice and quite

  • en

    Anania Girma


    I would have given it four stars before I looked around but now.... the place is clean has warm water good food good WiFi and a complimentary breakfast but I wouldn’t eat here it’s very expensive but for the price and the location it’s very good BTW for some odd reason they ask if you’re a foreigner or coming from over seas when you ask for the price I don’t know if they increase the price if you are or not but it was odd!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 Otherwise nothing to complain 800 birr wasn’t bad at all.

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