ነጋ ቦንገር ሆቴል Nega Bonger Hotel i Addis Ababa

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Etiopienነጋ ቦንገር ሆቴል Nega Bonger Hotel


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Akaki / Kality Sub City Woreda 06, House # 432, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 470 8100
internet side: negabongerhotel.com-addisababa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.9519359, Longitude: 38.7612349

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emad Louca


    The hotel really good, but the area is inconvenient. Unlike the online details, the suite only has a shower. No bathtub or jetted bathtub. Bathtubs and jetted bathtubs are only available in the superior rooms and the executive suites.

  • masreshamohammed dawde

    masreshamohammed dawde


    It Is excellent place to spend great time!! The meal is good, room service is perfect peoples are very friendly, the price is way fair. Honestly speaking it worth a lot. Highly recommended for those who need special stay in the capital, Addis Ababa.

  • Abraham Abraham

    Abraham Abraham


    This hotel has excellent service. The staff are helpful and well trained. It also has ample parking space. The location of the hotel is a bit far from the city center but if you have business in that area, great place to stay over night or just browse the internet.

  • Michael Waichinga

    Michael Waichinga


    Very clean and spacious rooms. Very friendly staff. Beautiful artistic design of the rooms. Spa, sauna, gym and massage. Beautiful pool. Would have given if 5 stars if the menu was more international and communication in English was easier. And the WiFi is free but poor.

  • Mwaba Matimba

    Mwaba Matimba


    A relatively new hotel in the City with thoughtful finishes. They have a very good spa here too. A cozy club at the basement is open on Saturdays - I experienced some good traditional music and dances.

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