Taitu Tours i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienTaitu Tours



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Ethio China Street, Addis Ababa, ET Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 94 473 1442
internet side: www.taitutour.com
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Latitude: 8.9861938, Longitude: 38.7683266

kommentar 5

  • en

    sergio sanchez


    It was the best experience ever. My driver Daniel who is one of the best people I have ever met became a real friend, he showed us the best of Ethiopia in the most real way turistic and not turistic in contact with local people. The accommodation was good and the food was great, the value for money I can assure you it is the best as a local agency what you can find. If you go to Ethiopia go with this agency you wont regret. Promise!! If Daniel see this message, thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • en

    P CR


    I just arrived from a trip for 10 days in the south of Ethiopia to know the tribes of the Omo river valley ... This trip has been possible thanks to the extraordinary services that Habtamu, through its agency Taitu Tours has provided us. It was always very fast answering through mail, any questions were always answered in a very short time. He fulfilled with great accuracy all the agreements that we had agreed upon. The driver, Eskinder always treated us very well and became a travel companion more. The car was new and in very good condition, every morning we found it clean and adapted perfectly to our schedules and wishes. I recommend the services of Taitu tour to travel through Ethiopia, for price, seriousness and responsibility with their clients. If I go back to Ethiopia to know the north, I will definitely contact Habtamu again. Thanks for this wonderful trip.

  • en

    Berksoy Bilgin


    Very professional, very friendly and flexible. We made a very well planned tour. Very good guides, good recommendations and a very comfortable trip. You see the real local culture rather than the touristic side. I definitely recommend Taitu Tour if you want to see Ethiopia.

  • Peter Schild

    Peter Schild


    Ethiopia is an amazing country and our family of 4 had the best trip of our lives discovering its history, culture, scenery and wildlife, thanks to Taitu Tours! Its owner Habtamu was extremely responsive and professional and our guide Kibrom raised the bar very high. We traveled by modern aircraft and comfortable minibuses several thousand miles during two weeks, and every day was both fascinating and comfortable. We were truly sad to leave.

  • Marcos Lopetegui

    Marcos Lopetegui


    Last summer, we travelled across the northern part of Ethiopia with Taitu Tours and the trip couldn't have been better. The accurated and exhaustive tour design (we visited the country's main highlights but we also had time to enjoy on our own and got to know many local people), the kind staff (Gabriel and Desta, both charming and always looking for our happiness and commodity) and the attention to details made the trip a fantastic experience. We recommend it without hesitation. On one hand, you have the opportunity to invest your traveller's money in a local agency with very well prepared and professional workers, on the other, you'll have a privileged approach to this magnificent country and its enchanting people. Listen to my humble advice and travel with Taitu Tours, you won't regret it!!

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