Simien Image Tour and Travel - Ethiopia i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienSimien Image Tour and Travel - Ethiopia



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Qelebet Menged, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 263 9209
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Latitude: 8.984612, Longitude: 38.782379

kommentar 5

  • Shani Sagiv

    Shani Sagiv


    We had a great time on tribes tour (South Ethiopian) with the amazing guide and driver, robel! Thank you!

  • בשר גיל

    בשר גיל


    We had a great time with the best driver In all ethiopia! Robel was amazing! He knew all the ways had a perfect English and was really safe drive... Recommended!

  • Qiyuan Xu

    Qiyuan Xu


    Very impressive trip. It is my first trip in Africa. Thanks to the guide Yonas! But I have been bited by some bugs, it is better to prepare some like mosquito repellent water.

  • en

    Janet Lee


    Thank you, Alex, for an incredible tour experience! As a solo female traveller, I was somewhat apprehensive about the trip. Alex was professional, courteous, and trustworthy. He was able to deliver exactly what was promised. I contacted several tour operators in the Mekele region but he was was the only one who was able to arrange exactly what I needed on my limited time frame. The vehicle was well maintained. He also was able to arrange my tour to the Danakil depression and made sure I had a front seat in the Landcruiser. This really made the trip more comfortable. I highly recommend him! Details like a welcome gift, local honey and bread, and sending me pictures after the tour really show that he really goes above and beyond.

  • en

    Mastewal Gebrewold


    You are who you travel with indeed. I had an amazing experience. Well organized, knowledgeable & welcoming folks. I would totally recommend their service to anyone who wants to travel to Ethiopia without being hustled and ripped off.

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