Red Terror Martyrs' Memorial Museum i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienRed Terror Martyrs' Memorial Museum



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Africa Avenue, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 9.0100214, Longitude: 38.7631385

kommentar 5

  • Abu Sayeed Golam Moula

    Abu Sayeed Golam Moula


    if u wanna know the independence of Ethiopian's people from military domination, must go entry charge & guide will give u a clear idea about it.....

  • OriginLand Ethiopia Tours

    OriginLand Ethiopia Tours


    A well designed museum for putting a sad state in visitors mind. It has a collection of some written as well as photos of what happened in the Red Terror era of the Derg regime. At the last section it has a collection of recovered skulls from mass Graves discovered in some areas in and around the capital Addis.

  • Tayo Adjapon-Yamoah

    Tayo Adjapon-Yamoah


    Carefully maintained museum with wonderful volunteer guides. Free entrance. Some items are not labeled in English, but only in amharic. However the guide is helpful and willing to translate

  • ClutchingMyInvisiblePearls



    It's easy to get to, even with public transport. It provides great insight into Ethiopia's tumultuous past. There's an entire room dedicated to a mass grave and has the bones of actual people stockpiled from the floor to the ceiling. You're allowed to take pictures of the artifacts as long as you keep the flash off.

  • Francois Ferron

    Francois Ferron


    An extraordinary opportunity to learn about the Red Terror Era. The layout is simple allowing the visitors to be confronted to its reality. The guide is also very knowledgeable.

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