Ethnological Museum i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienEthnological Museum



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Algeria Street, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 9.0467459, Longitude: 38.7577211

kommentar 5

  • en

    נועם שובל


    Very nice and interesting, liked how the museum brings into the mix the variety of tribes, cultures and religion in different stages of human life.

  • Hojin Shin

    Hojin Shin


    Definately worthed to go if you want to know Ethiopian culture and the people.

  • sandi temesgen

    sandi temesgen


    Great collection. Passionate guides. Homey cafe.

  • John Graham

    John Graham


    Excellently displayed Ethnography, music instruments and Christian icons. As this was a palace of Emperor Haile Selassie you can visit his old bedroom and bathroom!

  • Carlos Sarasola Orio

    Carlos Sarasola Orio


    Very nice museum, much better and interesting that the more famous National Museum. It offers more than one thing in the same place: it’s inside the university grounds (so you can also take a peek on its other buildings), it’s a very interesting and informative ethnographic museum and at the same time offers a quite comprehensive collection of religious icons mostly from Gondar region. Finally it’s housed in the former royal palace of Haile Selassie, so you can visit his personal chambers.

nærmeste Museum

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