Nordic Medical Centre i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienNordic Medical Centre



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Bole sub city,, Kebele 01, H.No-1244, P.O.BOX: 18715, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 92 910 5653
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.9843355, Longitude: 38.7781414

kommentar 5

  • Chris Peng

    Chris Peng


    Great service and experience. Beautiful new building and facilities. Sweet ambulances too!

  • Sophia Oduol

    Sophia Oduol


    DISCRIMINATION - Their website says 24/ I took my sick child there. They looked at me and decided Sundays they only take emergencies. Yet there were patients walking out, with prescriptions, And my poor baby was not an emergency. Rude gentleman at the reception, I just thank God the pharmacist was kind and helped me. One hospital am never going to.

  • Abraham Abraham

    Abraham Abraham


    Extremely neat medical center. They also have highly trained and attentive staff.

  • en



    NMC is very popular health center. In this place a lot of people come to see the doctors from abroad the health center fee is a bit expensive for local people and they have quality treatment.

  • Nadim Nasser

    Nadim Nasser


    Incredible quality of facilities. Top notch caliber of foreign and local talent. Efficient and able to run all tests. Cares for you as well as family would. Recommended 100%!

nærmeste Hospital

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