Hallelujah General Hospital i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienHallelujah General Hospital



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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 470 4242
internet side: www.hallelujahospital.com
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Latitude: 8.9861882, Longitude: 38.7590401

kommentar 5

  • Monica Stewart

    Monica Stewart


    Good experts are there

  • Honey Bee

    Honey Bee


    Nice, clean and friendly staff. Very expensive for many to afford. My main issue is the ENT clinic. I went there due to extra build up of wax, irrigation should have been done but instead, the Doctor used forceps and other instruments to remove the ear wax causing pain and discomfort not just me but while waiting heard younger children crying out in pain. A day or so after the procedure my ear did slightly bleed, which was wrong. But other than that I can’t complain!

  • Henok Yohannes

    Henok Yohannes


    Great Hospital

  • en

    Abdu Ebrahim


    Very clean with automated, uptodate services and welcoming staffs. But the cost of services is not affordable for the many

  • Yilma Abebe

    Yilma Abebe


    One of the best and also expensive private hospitals in Addis. Excellent medical services with up to date standards. I especially admire the clean surroundings and courteous staff at this place.

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