Mayleko Lodge i ጎንደር

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EtiopienMayleko Lodge


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Two minutes drive from Theodros Airport, ጎንደር 6948, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 220 2801
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Latitude: 12.5370415, Longitude: 37.4281724

kommentar 5

  • Gunnar Crawford

    Gunnar Crawford


    Nice and spacious bungalows, but simple and weary rooms (we stayed in both). Small pool with cold water. Good restaurant.

  • Clemens Stahl

    Clemens Stahl


    Worst place I have stayed at in Ethiopia so far. No moskito nets on the beds , construction in the middle of the night and the promised pool was not usable. The breakfast was a joke especially considering that the place charges a premium price of 90 dollars per night.  On the positive I can only highlight the staff that tried hard to improve our stay.

  • david okoth

    david okoth


    An excellent resort at Gondar. The best in that area. Nice service. Excellent personnel

  • Byron Roos-Collins

    Byron Roos-Collins


    Exceptional spot on the outside of town. The staff is very kind and helpful. The grounds are gorgeous and filled with birdlife. Fantastic food. The dining area overlooks a sweeping view of the mountains.

  • madeleine devitt

    madeleine devitt


    My friend and I are just back from a wonderful trip to Ethiopia. To say Ethiopia was one of the most fascinating countries I have ever visted is an understatement. At the end of our trip in the north, we flew back from Gondar. We had six hours to spend before our flight back to Addis, and we had the pleasure of spending that time at Mayleko Lodge. Having already visited Gondar before going to Simeon mountains, it was great to find such a beautiful place to recover from our hiking trip. Mayleko was by far the best place we stayed during our entire trip. Our room was very comfortable, spotlessly clean and a real plus was fast Wifi. For the most part Wifi was very hit and miss, and a lot of the time, it was painfully slow. Mayleko Lodge is perfectly located if you fly into Gondar, and if not, it’s worth going out of your way to stay there, especially if you want a few days relaxation. Travelling in Ethiopia can be challenging, but it is more than worth the effort.

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