Queen Taytu Pension i ጎንደር

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EtiopienQueen Taytu Pension


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medhanialem street gondar, ጎንደር, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 841 8536
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Latitude: 12.6017893, Longitude: 37.4557829

kommentar 2

  • Ferdinand Henke

    Ferdinand Henke


    Horrible place with the worst bathroom ever. Because of timkat the price was 35 USD. I've been to shitholes before, but never for such a price.

  • ClutchingMyInvisiblePearls



    This place is a hell hole. There's a really good reason why they don't show any pictures of the rooms on the website. There's holes in the worn out ceiling that let bugs in. The toilets are cramped and sub per. And the only way to get hot water in your shower is to pray that someone in the other room switches on the archaic boiler long enough for hot water to reach your room. This process only takes 20 minutes. The WiFi is more or less non-existent. It has absolutely no range. You can't access it from the reception area, nor can you get a decent connection from your room. Don't waste your money. There's cheaper places which are much better.

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