SoleRebels i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Roosevelt Street, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 302 4775
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.9950824, Longitude: 38.739006

kommentar 4

  • Abdulmonim Al-Harrari

    Abdulmonim Al-Harrari


    محل مميز ، يقوم بإعادة تدوير الكفرات لمنتجات إلى أحذية ونعالات بجودة عالية 👌🏼😍

  • Michael Tamrat

    Michael Tamrat


  • Nicola Masolini

    Nicola Masolini


  • en

    Malieka Robinson


    After reading a lot of articles about the owner who is a successful entrepreneur in Ethiopia, I decided to visit the store in Adams Plaza to see what all the hype was about. The store is inside a large commercial building with displays of the sandals and shoes that are made locally. Many are vegan shoes and so I ordered a pair to be made for my size. I haven't worn the shoes much because the backs are too low so they slip off. They are o.k when I am gardening. It may be I just chose the wrong design. I also purchased a cotton dress which I love and still wear and a handmade leather bag which has gotten a lot of use and positive comments. What I like most is that the store is modern and bright and the business has great ethics. The owner is very friendly and helpful and I would certainly revisit the shop for sandals, dresses and bags.

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