Sayzana Pension i Mek'ele

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienSayzana Pension



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Mek'ele, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 431 4169
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Latitude: 13.4869007, Longitude: 39.4711257

kommentar 5

  • Marta Kostulska

    Marta Kostulska


    I have a very mixed feeling about this place. I liked that its clean and new, however the rooms facing the yard, with access to the daylight are much better than the ones "hidden" in the corner. Staff is very helpful, they helped me finding a laundry service and they picked my laundry up for me when I was away. The water is hot, the wifi works on the ground floor, I think they have a generator. The location is good and the yard is green. What I didnt like is that they tried to charge us the double price listed online because we looked "rich". The worst thing was that they declined to rent a double room to two Israeli girls, friends we met in Dallol, because they don't support homosexuality. Girls were friends, but even if they were a couple, that's none of the guesthouse's business. Of course the girls were charged for two single rooms, twice as much as they would pay for a double. For these two things I take away two points.

  • Amelie Hoffmann

    Amelie Hoffmann


    Our best stay in Ethiopia! Low prices but amazing shower, very clean and spacious!

  • Yvonne Tamba

    Yvonne Tamba



  • assefa berhe Hadush

    assefa berhe Hadush


    accessible and cheap

  • Noah Merkebu

    Noah Merkebu


    Morally and physically clean

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