Puroamore Gelato i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienPuroamore Gelato



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Addis Ababa, Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 91 150 8415
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Latitude: 9.0007414, Longitude: 38.7389584

kommentar 2

  • Burje Duro

    Burje Duro


    This is hands down one of the best gelato shops in Addis (if not the best). The smooth texture and meticulously blended tastes together with their great cones give you an enjoyable treat. The servers here are friendly and polite. The atmosphere is very welcoming and cozy. They offer about 10 different flavours and all of them taste genuine. Once you get here, you don't want to leave. I enjoyed my stay here and it truly deserves all five stars.

  • John Space

    John Space


    This is genuinely the standard bearer for gelato in Ethiopia. Not only are their flavours spectacular, but their gelato is all largely made from scratch! Their fruit gelato contains the fruit that makes them, making their raspberry gelato taste like that of a raspberry in cloud form. While the servings are on the smaller side, you get some amazing gelato! Also, try their coffee! Their espresso was some of the best I’ve had in Ethiopia. And to top it all off, the owners are wonderful.

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