Meskel Square i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienMeskel Square


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Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, Etiopía
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 9.0102464, Longitude: 38.7613592

kommentar 5

  • Ashkan Sadri

    Ashkan Sadri


    Went for a long walk. This place had great vibes!

  • en

    Esubalew A. Biru


    The place where sports, festivals and big things happen

  • Abu Sayeed Golam Moula

    Abu Sayeed Golam Moula


    good place for the athletes to practice....its a historical place also to the Ethiopian people...

  • OriginLand Ethiopia Tours

    OriginLand Ethiopia Tours


    This is where the city meets. Many mass population activities, festivals, religious activities as well as athletics competition take place in this arena. Previously known as the 'Abiyot Adebabay' is a perfect location for starting your city tour from. Here also you can find access for public transportation services to almost all the popular regional towns of Ethiopia.

  • Samuel Haddis

    Samuel Haddis


    Meskel square Aka "Abyot Adebabay" is the point which one must pass thru to go from west to east or north to south in Addis. It's a wide public space with a well designed landscape for pedestrians and event spectaters and also having the most number of traffic lanes for vehicles in the country.

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