Haile Resort i Awasa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienHaile Resort


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A8, Awasa, Sidama, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 46 220 8444
internet side: haileresorts.com
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Latitude: 7.0795884, Longitude: 38.4790939

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Amponsem

    Joshua Amponsem


    Clean rooms, amazing good, affordable place with a free sauna and gym. If you are here, don't miss the boat ride on Lake Hawassa to Mount Tabor and the Hippopotamus hotspot

  • Kelli Jai

    Kelli Jai


    Hotel on the lake!! The room was nice & clean, the staff was super friendly & food was absolutely wonderful - free breakfast!! I would have given it more stars - but I was disappointed with the bathroom smells & the jungle massage .... not recommend it!! Also...there is no nightlife (no restaurants except at the hotel).

  • Mark Henderson

    Mark Henderson


    One of Ethiopia's top hotels outside of Addis. Rooms are clean, modern, and very comfortable. You'll pay an extra charge for a lake view, but for a few extra dollars it is worth it. Rooms come with two bottles of water tea and coffee, air conditioner, hot water showers, and balconies. The standard rooms have queen size beds. unlike other places, the internet actually works here. the grounds are decorated nicely, And if you choose you can go on a boat tour or horseback riding for a fee. There is a pool and a sauna. A hotel restaurants with decent food. They do accept credit cards.

  • Michael Richards

    Michael Richards


    Very nice retreat, so friendly and quietly efficient. I have stayed here about 10 times and always enjoyed it.

  • Eric Ewing

    Eric Ewing


    Great hotel and extremely clean! Had A/C which was very nice. Great food, and great all around atmosphere.

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