Greek Club (Olympiakos) i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienGreek Club (Olympiakos)



🕗 åbningstider

Kirkos, Addis Ababa, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 553 0485
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Latitude: 9.0084889, Longitude: 38.7685824

kommentar 5

  • Davide Silvestri

    Davide Silvestri


    Nice greek place! A little taste of Athens in Addis!

  • Gela Kereselidze

    Gela Kereselidze


    Perfect place, reasonable prices and tasty food,

  • fr

    Judicael MOKOLE


    Un endroit acceuillant. La cuisine est raffinée. Tres animé le soir

  • Hoosain Narker

    Hoosain Narker


    One of the oldest clubs in Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Used to serve the Greek community, but with their numbers decreasing now open to all. A busy restaurant serving a variety of cuisine. Staff appeared harried at lunch time, and even asking two different waitrons for bottled water had no result so we just left it at that The food we had was well prepared and presented and meals served at other tables looked as good. Located next to the Greek school it seems very well patronised

  • Maria Esther Lopez-Thome

    Maria Esther Lopez-Thome


    It was a good Ethiopian food. We ate not only Greek food but Ethiopian too. The greek salad with Feta Cheese was super good..real Feta which I do love. Nice ambient and great service.

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