Gibson Academy i Addis Abeba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienGibson Academy


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Addis Abeba, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 662 8312
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.9847996, Longitude: 38.7378198

kommentar 5

  • Jigssa Tilahun

    Jigssa Tilahun


    I went to this school for so long I feel like I wasted my life. You'r kids deserve better, the only thing that makes this school different from others in the city is the total lack of respect for the freedom of thought and speech of the students. Instead of teaching kids critical thought and intellectual expression they use aggressive methods to mold the student into submissive, obedient and irrational adults with no skill of critical thinking at all. The education they provide is highly overrated. Compared to other private schools of the the status and rate of pay, the education they provide is 2nd tier at most. They lack in proper science laboratories and they don't have qualified teacher for math, history and P.E . Instead of helping students reason with and understand the curriculum and other challenges they focus on increasing workload of students and testing their memory instead of their understanding.

  • Charles Mwaura

    Charles Mwaura


    Making young people strong people. Making strong people stronger.

  • Shuayb Mohamed

    Shuayb Mohamed


    The best school in Addis Ababa Ethiopia go forward with full success vision

  • en

    Eyoel Mengist


    It's 😴😪😫

  • en

    Yusuf Jemal


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