Gezahegn and Elfinesh Resort - Hawassa i Awasa

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EtiopienGezahegn and Elfinesh Resort - Hawassa


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6, Awasa, Sidama, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 93 537 7070
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Latitude: 7.0379431, Longitude: 38.4971467

kommentar 5

  • Efrem Sado

    Efrem Sado


    What a wonderful place to have a quiet and peaceful time.

  • Eden Fissiha

    Eden Fissiha


    Mother nature really lives her and most of all their is high speed wifi don't tell no one

  • Mahlet Bekele

    Mahlet Bekele


    The most comfortable bed you can find. WiFi did not work in the rooms. I do not recommend room with jacuzzi pointless. Pool is great for kids and adults. Fantastic breakfast. Well kept peaceful

  • Acier Equipment

    Acier Equipment


    Very peaceful place to stay with your family to spend quality time. Not much option for vegetarian food.

  • Carl Graham

    Carl Graham


    Very comfortable and clean room with plenty of hot water for the bath. Also, the room was very quiet. I stayed here a year ago and the restaurant had a very good breakfast buffet, but did not have one this visit. But the breakfast was still good and had very attentive servers. I would stay here again.

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