Garden of Coffee i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienGarden of Coffee



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Alexander Pushkin Street, Sar Bet, JFK Building, First Floor, Addis Ababa, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 111 0848
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Latitude: 8.9924294, Longitude: 38.7396507

kommentar 5

  • Soliana Makonnen

    Soliana Makonnen


    Wonderful Interior! The sandwiches are good and they offer traditional bread as well. However, despite their claims-even on the decor and menu- that they a variety of choices of coffee and choices in degree of roasting, they usually only have dark roast Yirgachefe that I suspect is not high grade.

  • en

    Vincenzo Perrone


    At the Garden of Coffee I had the best coffee of my life. A small cup, medium roast, with a wonderful aroma and flavor. Must try!

  • Abdulmonim Al-Harrari

    Abdulmonim Al-Harrari


    جلساته مريحة، وعندهم جلسات خارجية، اللاتيه حقهم جيّد جدا. يستحق تكرار الزيارة 👍🏼

  • Daniel Ludwig

    Daniel Ludwig


    Terrible customer service, going there the past three months the service was excellent but the past two days at 8:30 pm they refuse service and say they are close, while still customers are inside. In November they close down this location and move to another one but of they are not anymore interested in service they should just close down now. I wouldn’t go there anymore two days disappointed 😔 after three months great service.

  • Henok A. B. N

    Henok A. B. N


    This Ethiopian-influenced coffeeshop is renowned for the quality of their coffee, sourced from rural areas and roasted locally, and for the unique latte art that graces the top of every espresso drink. 

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