Ethiopian Development Bank i Mek'ele

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienEthiopian Development Bank


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Mek'ele, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 34 441 0233
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Latitude: 13.4884448, Longitude: 39.4728306

kommentar 3

  • assefa berhe Hadush

    assefa berhe Hadush


    I got a chance to visit the customer service. The customer waiting is not attractive especially the furniture reserved for customers are not standard which is old and not comfortable to users. The employees try to finalize their services. After finalizing the documents they suffer to get authorization from the heads. They can’t get support from managers immediately and easily.

  • Natan Mesfin

    Natan Mesfin


    The development bank of Ethiopia (DBE) is one of the financial institutions engaged in providing short, medium and long term development credits. DBE’s distinguishes feature is its “project” based lending tradition. Project financed by the Bank are carefully selected and prepared through appraised, closely supervised and systematically evaluated. Since its establishment in 1909, the bank has been playing a significant role in promoting over all economic development of the country. The history of Development Bank of Ethiopia goes back to 1909 when the first attempts of its kind known as The Societe Narionale d' Ethiopie Pour le Development de l' agriculture et de Commerce (The Society for the promotion of Agriculture and Trade) was established in the Menelik II era. Since then the Bank has taken different names at different times although its mission and business purpose has not undergone significant changes except for occasional adjustment that were necessitated by change in economic development policies of the country. The under listed names and periods are its predecessors since initial establishment: - Agricultural Bank of Ethiopia from 1945-1949 Agricultural and Commercial Bank of Ethiopia from 1949-1951 Development Bank of Ethiopia Share Company from 1951-1970 Investment Bank of Ethiopia from 1964-1970 Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank Share Company from 1970-1979 Agricultural and Industrial Development Bank from 1979-1994 Development Bank of Ethiopia from 1994-2003. Development Bank of Ethiopia (after reestablishment from 2003 till now) In long years of existence, DBE has established recognition at national and international levels .Nationally, it is the sole Bank with reputable experience in long term investment financing .Internationally, and it is recognized as an important on leading channel for development program financed by bilateral and/or multilateral sources.

  • Esiey Leul

    Esiey Leul


nærmeste Bank

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