Embassy of South Africa i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienEmbassy of South Africa


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nifasilk lafto subcity kebele 03 south africa street po-box 1091, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 371 1002
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Latitude: 8.9946972, Longitude: 38.7289739

kommentar 5

  • Hoosain Narker

    Hoosain Narker


    Proudly South African - but sometimes disappointed. Last year I invited a sports player to attend my training course - I duly sent him the necessary documents and then wrote several email to the listed addresses on the government site - some bounced back, etc. Then also called long distance from South Africa and was put through from one person to the other and eventually gave up which meant that my colleague could not attend our course and tournament. I visit Addis regularly as a stopover flying with ET so took the opportunity of going around and determining. Unfortunately I only got to the reception who gave me the details of what is required, but those I had submitted. So I just don't know how to get my Ethiopian colleagues to attend future events in South Africa - possibly will just have to keep on trying and hoping that they will advise what exactly is needed more than that.

  • en



  • Sylvio Pechliwanoff

    Sylvio Pechliwanoff


    very unprofessional, wonder if the country the represent is like them....or just the usual African embassy approach

  • Michael Tekie

    Michael Tekie


    Bad service. They don't respond on time

  • Samson Kefyalew

    Samson Kefyalew


    treating people unlike they are friends with us long before....double standard......no reasonable accommodation, no logical reasoning, absence of clear checklist and lack of any representative addressing your compliant.....soooo...

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