Dib Anbessa Hotel - Bhir Dar Ethiopia i Bahir Dar

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EtiopienDib Anbessa Hotel - Bhir Dar Ethiopia


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Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 58 220 1436
internet side: www.dibanbessa.webs.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 11.5734303, Longitude: 37.3631408

kommentar 5

  • tigist aderaijw

    tigist aderaijw


    Dib anbessa hotel I think it now renovated I stay before 4 years but now the service is absolutely changed, the manager Mr. yidersal also very outstanding he is customer focused!! The room cleanness is interesting room made the are quickly clean the room, the breakfast is testy, the room price are cheap when I compare with other hotel room price in Bahir Dar city. Bahir Dar Ethiopia//

  • mastewal maru

    mastewal maru


    When I stay on march 15.2019 in this hotel, the hotel service are really renovated, the bed room is very comfort also the bathroom are newly refurnished , it is more than my expectation so I really recommended in Bahir Dar to stay in this hotel.

  • Tamrat Haile

    Tamrat Haile


    Getting old but good

  • olumide akinsola

    olumide akinsola


    Very traditional building. Good food and Wonderful restaurant staff too. The guy engaged me in a nice conversation in English. Would do well to upgrade facilities though. Building very old. Impressed...

  • Ayenew Shimekach

    Ayenew Shimekach


    A good place for those who want to pass their time in a classic hotel.

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