Bingham Academy i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienBingham Academy


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Kolfe Keranio, Addis Ababa 4937, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 279 1791
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Latitude: 9.0412748, Longitude: 38.7168502

kommentar 5

  • John Kempen

    John Kempen


    Bingham is probably the best school around. Their homeschool program is also great. And they focus on Faith in Christ Jesus without overloading it onto the students.

  • en

    Loza Willow


    I really like you school and more about Christ it's good

  • en

    debbi Neudorf


    Bingham does a great job of producing Pharisees, who know the Bible and complete miss the freeing point of it. By shoving religion down the throats of its students and making it a burden, it suffocates actual faith under a mountain of theoretical, biblical knowledge and theology, and ignores the fact that there might be other, more important subjects that students need to study. In my opinion, Bingham has forgotten the fact that it is a school, and not a church, and should make the education of their students the priority.

  • en

    J.S. Leander


    Having to stay at Bingham another year was the worst thing that has happened to me so far. I wish I could forget/undo my time there.

  • Tom Farrell

    Tom Farrell


    Great school. Seriously. Good experience and lovely place with welcoming staff and students.

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