B&C Aluminum PLC i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienB&C Aluminum PLC


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BACALUM BLDG, Addis Ababa, Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 91 109 7228
internet side: www.bacalum.com
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Latitude: 8.9963267, Longitude: 38.7862619

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    Yared Tesfaye


    Established in 2002, B & C Aluminum Private Limited Company is a company registered and licensed under the Ethiopia Commercial Code mainly to import and fabricate high quality aluminum products. These days, in the modern cities, the technological advancement in building construction reaches to buildup the so called "liquid buildings", which are, other than the "solid building's" concrete structures used as building frame are based upon the production and utilization of aluminum frame profiles with glasses and aluminum based products like aluminum composite panel and curtain walls. As one of the pioneers in the industry and in recognition of this advanced technologies, B & C not has only engaged itself in aluminum frame fabrication and installation importing the profiles from Europe, but has progressed to manufacturing the necessary products and accessories at home since 2007 setting up a plant named Inter Africa Extrusion, which has made B & C to be the sole manufacturer of extruded aluminum profiles labeled 'Made in Ethiopia' under the product brand "Molto Bravo" so far. Inter Africa Extrusion has equipped itself with the latest state-of-the art technology, machines and equipment sourced and imported from Europe. These capabilities assisted B & C to realize its mission that has always been the unrelenting commitment to the pursuit of excellence via provision of world-class aluminum products, innovative design, production and installation. Thus, B & C has been providing a high level of sanctification to its customers by understanding, meeting and exceeding their expectations. Being an active player in the aluminum industry, our clients and the finest skylights standing are our witnesses that B & C's aluminum doors, windows, partitions, handrail, curtain wall and other accessories are designed to provide exceptional aesthetics, value for money, performance, function and safety. Accomplishing hundreds of projects successfully within the country, we are now stretching further to reach out to the eastern and south-eastern African countries through provision of standard projects in the fore stated fields. Today, B & C's modern facilities and advanced manufacturing methods enabled us to produce skylights of extra ordinary values, quality and design flexibility. Whether your project is monumental, light commercial or residential, B & C can meet your needs. At B & C Aluminum, it is our motto that 'precision always comes first'. And, it gives us confidence to be your partner. To use Aluminum in building construction one has to know how to use the frames, and what systems are available with different fabricators. It is with this regard, B & C Aluminum PLC has prepared this yearly catalogue. Vision B & C Aluminum seeks to be recognized as the leading manufacturer, producer and supplier of a wide range of high quality extruded aluminum products and parts to the fast growing construction industry in Africa. Mission B & C Aluminum's mission is to enrich the quality and value of buildings through the application of modern knowledge, skill and technology in the construction industry. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence by supplying world-class aluminum products, innovation design, production and installation processes to provide the highest level of satisfaction to our customer by understanding, accepting, meeting and exceeding their expectations. Values At B & C Aluminum, we value: Honesty in the way we conduct ourselves and our business Professionalism in our performance standards. Quality and technical precision in every aspect of our employees Team work and continuous improvement in the skill of our employees Respect to our customers, partners, the public and the rule of law

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