Bambis Super Market i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienBambis Super Market


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Jomo Kenyatta Street, Addis Ababa, ET Etiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 92 844 5281
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Latitude: 9.0098881, Longitude: 38.7720447

kommentar 5

  • John Kempen

    John Kempen


    Probably the best supermarket in the city for food. It has lots of things other stores don't like salmon, block chocolate, herbs, real lemons etc. Although it is expensive, it definitely is great!!!

  • en

    Frank Sandvoss


    Bambis is the pace to go, if you care for quality food. Good local products, from dairy over vegetables to meat, and a wide selection of stuff imported from Greece, Italy and the Gulf states. Clean, well-organised, competent staff - what else do you want?

  • Abraham Abraham

    Abraham Abraham


    Bambis is one of the best supermarkets in Addis. If you are looking for clean fresh products Bambis should be on top of your list. They also do have a nice parking at the back.

  • Maricha MartinezSosa

    Maricha MartinezSosa


    One of the best equipped supermarkets in Addis. Big selection of cheese, hams, salamis, alcoholic drinks and European products that are almost impossible to find anywhere else in the city. Prices are high, but here, their diversity is totally worth it. They have a restroom, some home products on the second floor and accept credit cards.

  • Samuel Mengesha

    Samuel Mengesha


    The reference for Expats as are infamous for their imports of specialized products (cheese, meat and poultry products). Historical supermarket owned by Ethio-Greek families. Decent parking considering elsewhere. They advertise fresh arrivals weekly in the newspaper. Don't expect to find exactly what you want but you can settle for alternatives.

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